Jobs - Desing logo for a teenager code community

Role: Logo design & branding

The logo in PNG & SVG format. We’ll give you push access to a GitHub repo in our organization, so you can push them there.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

If you need more details, feel free to ask :smiley:

@m1guelpiedrafita what is your deadline and how many materials will you need (personal card, logo, flyer, etc.)?

@frenktico I’ve made a temporal logo while waiting for one, so there’s no deadline. Also, the only deliverable I need is the logo in PNG (and maybe SVG).

@m1guelpiedrafita can you please send me the image so I can review it and then proceed with my thoughts about the project. If possible could I send you some questions so I can gather more details in order to have a better understanding of your needs on this logo?

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Temporal logo (take into account that this is what came to my mind first, the new design could be completely different, you don’t have to base your work in something I did in 5min):

About the project:

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  1. Let me know what colours you’d like to see on the final design and also those you would avoid using at all.
  2. Are there any references that you enjoy? (can be from any other brand)
  3. Shall it be an icon or add some text?
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I don’t have any preferences, but some blue-green gradient would be cool

Sorry, no idea of what you’re talking about

It should be an icon, but it’d be cool if you could also make a vertical version with the name to add on top of the website :slight_smile: