Alva - New FOSS Product Design Tool

Hello All,
I know there are a lot of people here who would be interested in an open source product design and prototyping tool that I just saw mentioned on an Inkscape thread. Being developed by an agency owned by Accenture. Looks promising:


Yeah, I saw Alva a while ago but haven’t really tried it out. Have to say I always find these tools more clunky than simple pen & paper or markers on a board.

Maybe it’s just a question of the right tool? And Alva seems to be sufficiently popular to not just fizzle out. Tweeted a poll and started a discussion on the forum on Alva and other mockup/prototype tools in general. :slight_smile:

Ah, I tried searching the forum first to make sure this wasn’t posted already. I was surprised when it wasn’t. I must have misspelled it (Alvo?) in the search. Sorry about the duplicate post. :blush:

I think pen and paper are underrated as well, but certain people seem to have coupled their trade (and self-worth) to the shiny newness of tools like Sketch.

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@ryangorley no no, I did post after you. :smiley: Did the research yesterday and today, and since it’s a more overarching topic I opened a separate thread.

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